The idea for this project emerged during the pandemic when somewhat compelled by circumstances, we predominantly explored locally. In doing so, we discovered how diverse Vâlcea County is and that most people are unaware of how diverse this county is and how much it has to offer.

The following two and a half years were dedicated entirely to this project - we explored the county from south to north and from west to east, from the lowlands to the hills, from the wilderness of the mountains to their peaks. We gathered many stories, from encounters with wildlife to breathtaking landscapes, from rare phenomena to picturesque places where one could spend days. We were pleasantly surprised by the biodiversity we found here, and even now, after so much time, we cannot claim to have discovered everything.

Now, at the end of the project, we have compiled all these experiences and stories into an album. This album will take you through exceptional places, where you will encounter wild animals and be inspired to explore this county on foot.

A journey through the natural areas of Vâlcea County - price 38 euro + transport taxes which will be calculated after your order


  • Dimensions 300x240mm

  • 240 pages of photographs and informations about Vâlcea County

  • Garda Matt Art paper 170gmp

  • Bilingual text: Romanian and English

*The images are for illustrative purposes, the final design may undergo small changes.